Dr. Brenda


"Meologist", TV Talkshow Host of Revolutionize My Life, Book Coach, Publisher, Speaker, Life Coach

Where Evolution Occurs 1-Step at a Time.

Dr. Brenda Stratton

"Meologist", TV Talkshow Host of Revolutionize My Life, Book Coach, Publisher, Speaker, Life Coach

Where Evolution Occurs 1-Step at a Time.

Helping You Achieve Success

Revolutionizers Tribe

How do you go deeper into the lessons you have learned on the TV show "Revolutionize My Life?" Are you ready to step into your gifting and brilliance? You can become a part of the Revolutionizers Tribe and attend our six months webinar series.. These are what you get in this Webinar:

Below is the transformation that will take place.

A digital download of the book "Revolutionize My Life."

Specific notes for each chapter of the TV series

Discussion with Questions and Answers

A discount of 20% off on the Transformational Coaching and the entire Coaching Programs, Value $5000.00. (Including the Book Writing Program)

Private Tribe Club

BONUS gift for signing up in the next 24 hours: A digital download of "Lord, Deliver Me From Me (How to Stop Becoming Your Own Worst Enemy)"


Virtual Meetings

1 Zoom Group Coaching meeting

1 Zoom Question & Answer Session

After 6 months, your monthly membership fee will revert to $15.95 a month.

The Total Value for this 6 Months Webinar and Tribe is $1000.00, but you can join Today for the low price of $149.00 for 6 months.

Let's begin our Journey today as “REVOLUTIONIZERS.”

Helping You Achieve Success

Revolutionizers Tribe

How do you go deeper into the lessons you have learned on the TV show "Revolutionize My Life?" Are you ready to step into your gifting and brilliance? You can become a part of the Revolutionizers Tribe and sign-up for our monthly Six months Webinar. These are what you get in this Webinar

Below is the transformation that will take place.

A digital download of the book "Revolutionize My Life.

Specific notes for each chapter of the TV series

Discussion with Questions and Answers

A discount of 20% off on the Transformational Coaching and the entire Coaching Programs, Value between $1200. (Including the Book Writing Program)

Private Tribe Club

BONUS gift for signing up in the next 24 hours: A digital download of "Lord, Deliver Me From Me (How to Stop Becoming Your Own Worst Enemy)"

Email Support

Group Chat Support

1 Zoom Group Coaching meeting

1 Zoom Question & Answer Session

The Total Value for this 6 Months Webinar and Tribe is $1000.00, but you can join Today for the low price of $149.00 for 6 months.

Let's begin our Journey today as “REVOLUTIONIZERS.”


Discovering why certain experiences kept you in a cycle of pain.

Be Better

Going from bitter to better by becoming a more forgiving person.


Releasing old mindsets by developing new ones.


Gaining a paradigm of freedom.


You will have more focus in your life by knowing your purpose & destiny.


Discovering why certain experiences kept you in a cycle of pain.

Be Better

Going from bitter to better by becoming a more forgiving person.


Releasing old mindsets by developing new ones.


Gaining a paradigm of freedom.


You will have more focus in your life by knowing your purpose & destiny.

Where's the pain

The Monopoly of the Mind

Digging up Roots

Forgive Them, Honey

True Identity

Hidden Treasures

You can see full episodes by going to Zondratv.com and click on Revolutionize My Life.

Watch Revolutionalize My Life TV Show

About Dr. Brenda

Dr. Brenda Stratton has overcome rejection in her mother's womb, giving her the insight to help you examine what is holding you back in life or business. She gets to the root of why you keep repeating the same negative behaviors. She works with people who feel they are stuck by showing them what might be missing in their life. The goal is to bring them peace, thus helping them to "Discover Me Now" by "Creating the Life and Business of their Dreams."

She is the author of four #1 Bestseller International Books on Amazon: Lord, Deliver Me From Me (How to Stop Becoming your Own Worst Enemy); Transformational You (Overcoming Ten Self-Sabotaging Behaviors); Don't Repeat this Again: Toxic Relationship, and Revolutionize Your Life. She has a host of online classes and courses such as “Finding Your Purpose,” “Four Key Ingredients to a Healthy Self-Worth,” and her award winning “Lord, Deliver Me From Me.” She is the producer and host of “Revolutionize My Life” where evolution occurs one step at a time featured on the Zondra TV Network.

She is the world’s only “Meologist,” teaching you how to get over yourself and stop sabotaging your life so that you can find your true identity and calling.

Dr. Brenda has over 45 years of experience in speaking, teaching, and coaching 2000+ people in over 35 different countries. Clients have included physicians, actors, professors, professionals, entrepreneurs, and prison inmates. Through Dr. Stratton's teaching, speaking, books, coaching, and online classes, many of her clients have found freedom from past hurts, rejections, abuse, toxic relationships, and unforgiveness. They have found success by focusing on their destiny, thus realizing financial improvement. They truly have "Created the Life and Business of their Dreams."

Dr. Stratton’s publishing company will help you write, publish, launch, and protect your book.

If you would like to book Dr. Brenda Stratton for a speaking engagement you may contact her team by email at info@revolutionizemylife.com

Social Media Sites



  • Non-Profits
  • Churches
  • Faith-based organizations
  • Individuals
  • Schools
  • Counseling organizations
  • Christian Tabernacle Church
  • New Life Global
  • California Institution for Women (CW)
  • Central California Women’s Facility (CCWF)
  • Generating Fire Ghana
  • Reatha Gray, actress
  • Cynthia Delaney, Self-Made woman
  • Zondra Evans of ZondraTV Network



  • Non-Profits
  • Churches
  • Faith-based organizations
  • Individuals
  • Schools
  • Counseling organizations
  • Christian Tabernacle Church
  • New Life Global
  • California Institution for Women (CW)
  • Central California Women’s Facility (CCWF)
  • Generating Fire Ghana
  • Reatha Gray, actress
  • Cynthia Delaney, Self-Made woman
  • Zondra Evans of ZondraTV Network


I have heard Dr. Stratton speak at a number of events which resulted in a life changing experience for me. “I took her course, which was excellent, informative, productive, and inspiring. The personal one-to-one coaching helped me to get free from something I was hanging onto in my life. I recommend this course to anyone who wants to have an upgrade in his or her life. Dr. Stratton is knowledgeable, compassionate, and does deliver on her promises for her book and this course.”

Bea Powell,

National Sales Director Emeritus, Mary Kay, Inc

Few ministers or life coaches know how to reach into the soul of a human being and speak to those deep hurts, habits, and hang-ups that keep us in bondage. Dr. Brenda Stratton is one of them. In just one session she spoke truth into my situation and caused me to feel whole in a very deeply wounded area of my life.

Reatha Gray



I have heard Dr. Stratton speak at a number of events which resulted in a life changing experience for me. “I took her course, which was excellent, informative, productive, and inspiring. The personal one-to-one coaching helped me to get free from something I was hanging onto in my life. I recommend this course to anyone who wants to have an upgrade in his or her life. Dr. Stratton is knowledgeable, compassionate, and does deliver on her promises for her book and this course.”

Bea Powell,

National Sales Director Emeritus, Mary Kay, Inc

Few ministers or life coaches know how to reach into the soul of a human being and speak to those deep hurts, habits, and hang-ups that keep us in bondage. Dr. Brenda Stratton is one of them. In just one session she spoke truth into my situation and caused me to feel whole in a very deeply wounded area of my life.

Reatha Gray


Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!

Mailing Address: 4760 Preston Road

Suite 249 Frisco, Texas 75034

Mobile: 757-354-3155